So much has happened in the past week! And as promised, I took plenty of pictures. They can also be viewed on my Facebook.
Our plane! |
So London. Signe and I arrived in London surprisingly smoothly. We had five legs to our trip to London. Train, train, taxi, airplane, bus. Once we got to London we had even more. But the airport, Stockholm Vasteras was interesting. Now I knew that when we bought a ticket for Ryanair, you pay for what you get. The flights are super cheap but the carry on requirements are very strict. It can't be too big or too heavy otherwise you have to pay. You also have to pay if you don't print your boarding pass. Like 50 Euros. Security was just 3 ladies. And the gate/waiting area was a giant room with a tiny little cafe. You also walk on the runway to board the plane so that was a fun new experience. Once we landed, we got cash, struggled with the currency but we were so grateful that everything was in English. We also bought a fantastically girly bottle of pink wine that came in a bottle that looked like perfume. It was our Valentine's Day gift to ourselves. More on that later. Another thing about Ryanair, the airports are extremely out of the way. So we landed at London Stansted but we then took a 45 minute bus ride into London. But we made it no problem!
Signe and me at the airport in Sweden |
Seeing my fellow Gustie, Kelsey in London |
We became masters of the tube. By the end of this trip I will be so good at transportation. |
We meet up with my Gustavus friends Hanna and Kelsey. It was so great to talk with friends from home and see a familiar face. We checked out the Victoria's Secret in the mall (it was overpriced) and took the tube to Chipotle. Kelsey and Hanna had a lot of homework so they sent us alone to Chipotle. It was semi-frightening but extremely liberating. The most difficult thing was crossing the street. It goes against everything I have ever learned about crossing the street and looking both ways. In England, you have to look right first. It was so hard. But we found Chipotle and even made some friends while we were eating it. Well maybe not friends, but stalkers that tried to get off a double decker bus to meet up with us. No. Thank goodness they didn't. We found our way back to Kelsey's and only ran into one problem with my phone. I thought I figured out how to call internationally from it but I guess not so we ended up calling her from a pay phone.
That brings us to February 14th. Ick. But we saw London in a day! Well not all of it, but as much as I could remember seeing when I visited back in 2005. It was also what we could get to using the maps and such we found. It actually worked out nicely. So we saw Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, the London Eye, Parliament, King's Cross, Big Ben, Green Park, Harrod's, and of course, some red telephone boxes. We spent the day snacking on chocolate and baked goods from Harrod's. We checked our bags there for the day so we didn't look too touristy wandering around the city with a backpack and suitcase. But we definitely had our tourist moments. Too bad I forgot the waist purse. I won't go into detail for each place but here are some pictures from the day in London!
Off to Hogwarts! |
Green Park actually lives up to its name! |
Buckingham Palace |
Phone Box and Double Decker bus? Ultra British. |
Trafalgar Square |
Super cool Chinese New Year's Decorations at Harrod's. The dragon is made out of plates! |
The River Thames |
Big Ben and Houses of Parliament |
We then headed to Waterloo station to catch the train out to Oxshott, where my good family friends live, Lyn and Ian Baldwin. Lyn has two daughters, Charlotte and Alice Turton, and they used to live down Humboldt Ave from me. Charlotte and Alice were part of the Humboldt Ave. Crew. Once again, we ran into problems calling from my Swedish phone so we used Signe's phone since she still has an international plan. Lyn picked us up from the train station and we headed back to their house for the evening. It was so fantastic to have a home cooked meal. We had British Cider with our chicken and vegetables for dinner. Yum. And sleep. Sleeping in a comfortable bed was simply marvelous. I slept so comfortably that night.
Friday, the 15th, we took a train to visit Charlotte at Uni. She goes to school in Exeter (pronounced exit-er)which is about a 3 hour train ride from Esher, a town near Oxshott. It's very southwest in England. It just so happened that Alice was also down there visiting her boyfriend so we got to hang out with both Turton girls. Fun fact time. J.K. Rowling went to school at Exeter University so there are quite a few things in the Harry Potter books based on actual places in Exeter. There was a creepy little shack behind a residence hall that has since been torn down but was the basis for the Shrieking Shack. Diagon Alley was based on Gandy Street in Exeter which is a narrow, cobblestone street with tons of shops and things. The Old Firehouse is a quaint little bar on which the Leaky Cauldron is based. We enjoyed dinner at an Italian restaurant called Ask. It was good. Standard Italian food, nothing too exciting.
We returned to Charlotte's to get ready for the evening. We drank our deliciously pink yet surprisingly strong girly fru fru liqueur. One of her football (soccer) friends was having a birthday party so we stopped by there for a bit. From there we headed to Timepiece Nightclub. It was really similar to the Nations we have here in Uppsala. There was lots of loud music and people dancing and cheap drinks. We continued to struggle with the money. To check our coats, which cost one pound, we both just held a handful of change out to Charlotte asking her to sort out the proper change. The coolest thing was the fact that at Exeter, being American was much more of a novelty. Uppsala has so many exchange students that being American is no big deal but down there people thought it was the coolest thing in the world. However, they were also unaware of geography in America. We were asked multiple times if Minnesota was in the south. Not even close, but good try. It was so much fun to be somewhere where everyone spoke English as a first language. We also ordered Dominos once we got back to Charlotte's. It wasn't sliced. Who delivers a pizza that has not been sliced? Dumb.
Fancy pink liqueur in a perfume bottle.
So pink. So strong. |
At Timepiece. So many photo bombs. |
The next morning we headed back to Oxshott. The train went through gorgeous English country side. Unlucky for you, my camera is not the best quality so I could not capture any good pictures of it. Just imagine it. Green rolling hills with sheep and creeks. Lyn and Ian took us to see the Hampton Court Palace on the River Thames. It was built in the 16th century and is ginormous as are all palaces in Europe. It was originally built for a Cardinal but King Henry VIII ended up with it and made it even bigger. At that time, the more chimneys you had, the wealthier you were. More chimneys = more rooms = rich. So Hampton Court has something over 200 chimneys. It was worked on again by King William and Queen Mary about a hundred years later which is why the back side has a completely different look and facade. There is also a fantastic garden along the back and apparently in the summer, Hampton Court is used for garden shows. We then headed back to their home, cleaned up, rested a bit, and headed to dinner. They took us to The Queen's Head by the White Brasserie which is a restaurant by a well known French chef. It was so good. I had snails! I think I only enjoy them because they are soaking in a butter garlic sauce. And slow cooked beef in a red wine sauce with mashed potatoes. So so so good. We tried our first British Pear Cider and dessert wine!
Snails for a starter while at the Queen's Head |
Zerts! I had the Winter Pavlova and Ian had the waffles. |
We returned home to the Queen! She was waiting for us once we returned from dinner so we seized the photo opportunity and snapped some pics with royalty.
Oh, hello Liz. |
We made it back to Uppsala in only 4 legs. Car, bus, plane, bus and everything went smoothly again. So maybe on our journey to Sweden we were just unlucky. It was so fantastic to spend time in London with friends, eat Chipotle one last time until June, catch up with Charlotte, and enjoy a home cooked meal with my second family. Everything about the weekend was wonderful. We made it home just in time for dinner! Busy week and another busy one ahead. I have my first exam! But that's all for now!